Title: Hawai‘i Healing Garden Festivals are all the buzz in the islands



Hawai‘i Healing Garden Festivals are all the buzz in the islands



Ever wonder…

What is green to the core, and takes a week to digest? What is 100 percent organic and migrates around the Hawaiian Islands each summer and fall? What can turn your kids into birds, bees, and pollinators—not—terminators, at least for an afternoon? What do you get when you mix a spiraling labyrinth with recycled French-fry oil? What can prevent cancer and diabetes and is growing in your neighbor’s yard? What do you get when you add a dash of spicy and green to SLAM (not SPAM) poetry? How do you properly undress your salad? How can you use the ancient Hawaiian moon calendar to prevent jellyfish stings? How do you catch a glimpse into the Garden of Eden, Hawaiian style? What does an “all local” meal look and taste like? What advice would a wise elder give us about the possibility and responsibility of planting seeds and dreams for our future? What can a child discover that you have never seen? Where can you find a cornucopia of fun and delicious, healthy food, art, world music, eco- films, health expos, speakers, presentations, demonstrations, keiki activities, Play Tennis, yoga, martial arts, gardening tips, sustainable living, multicultural traditions, local crafts, eco-fashion show, an edible lei contest, great prizes…and so much more.






Good Things Are Growing @ The Hawai‘i Healing Garden Festivals


Maui Festival: October 17–22, 2009

Maui Community College, Kahului


O‘ahu Festival: November 21, 2009

Ala Moana Beach Park, McCoy Pavilion, Honolulu



Big Island Festival: December 20, 2009

Amy Greenwell Ethno-Botanical Garden, Captain Cook, Kona

Workshops & Tours, December 21–23


  Visit for full schedule


Visit for full schedule, or call

808-638-0888 for more info.


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